Articoli correlati a Die Völker Vorderasiens (Classic Reprint)

Die Völker Vorderasiens (Classic Reprint) - Brossura

9780267350650: Die Völker Vorderasiens (Classic Reprint)


Excerpt from Die Völker Vorderasiens

Unfere gefchichtlichen Quellen reichen bei weitem nicht in Die Ilr5eiten Da babt;lonifchm Raitat hinauf, und Diejenigen ®mimiiler, auß melchen Der $rährflorrirr Die ®efchichte einer 8eit herauégulefen fu®t, welche noch irine gefchriebene 11riundrn frunt, Decii im alten Minnimnochberßoben. 3hre@rflänmgianngnbemaurherft gelingen, wenn Dir 9°ffbid;flid;e bit mütdßibrü@vradltunbibm eigenen ?lufgeichnungen gu unß redende Beit, mieder ilar bor nuß liegt. 90c legten ift nurdnr%rage Da3eit, oberbefferbeß @eldeß, Dernr Die gefrhriehenen Urina wie an erobern bebarf eé nurdernbtigm@elbmittel; toofieliogen wiffenruir, undihr 3nhnltiftunéieinbiritfelmehr. @obalbfieberßeitgugiingüch toerden, ioerden mir über 8ragen Deé Dritten Dmchriftlidpm 8ahv taum befier unterrichtet fein, alß iiber ®eliaä im 5. Und Siem im 4. Und ja 2. 3ahrhunbert.

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This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.

Le informazioni nella sezione "Riassunto" possono far riferimento a edizioni diverse di questo titolo.

  • EditoreForgotten Books
  • Data di pubblicazione2018
  • ISBN 10 0267350651
  • ISBN 13 9780267350650
  • RilegaturaCopertina flessibile
  • Numero di pagine44

Spese di spedizione: GRATIS
Da: Regno Unito a: U.S.A.

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Hugo Winckler
Editore: Forgotten Books, 2018
ISBN 10: 0267350651 ISBN 13: 9780267350650
Nuovo Paperback
Print on Demand

Da: Forgotten Books, London, Regno Unito

Valutazione del venditore 5 su 5 stelle 5 stelle, Maggiori informazioni sulle valutazioni dei venditori

Paperback. Condizione: New. Print on Demand. This book is a detailed examination of the historical, cultural, and linguistic roots of the Hittites. The Hittites are a fascinating ancient people, whose empire stretched across Asia Minor for centuries and whose culture was a major force in the development of the ancient world. The author of this book takes a comprehensive approach to the study of the Hittites, drawing on archaeological, linguistic, and historical sources to piece together a detailed picture of their society, culture, and beliefs. The book provides a wealth of information about the Hittites, including their origins, their language, their religion, their government and military, and their interactions with other civilizations in the ancient world. The book also discusses the Hittites' unique contribution to the development of the ancient world, such as their invention of the chariot and their development of a sophisticated writing system. Overall, this book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about the Hittites and their place in the ancient world. This book is a reproduction of an important historical work, digitally reconstructed using state-of-the-art technology to preserve the original format. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in the book. The digital edition of all books may be viewed on our website before purchase. print-on-demand item. Codice articolo 9780267350650_0

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EUR 14,81
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Da: Regno Unito a: U.S.A.
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Foto dell'editore

Hugo Winckler
Editore: Forgotten Books, 2018
ISBN 10: 0267350651 ISBN 13: 9780267350650
Nuovo PAP

Da: US, Wood Dale, IL, U.S.A.

Valutazione del venditore 5 su 5 stelle 5 stelle, Maggiori informazioni sulle valutazioni dei venditori

PAP. Condizione: New. New Book. Shipped from UK. Established seller since 2000. Codice articolo LW-9780267350650

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EUR 19,21
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Spese di spedizione: GRATIS
In U.S.A.
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Quantità: 15 disponibili

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Foto dell'editore

Hugo Winckler
Editore: Forgotten Books, 2018
ISBN 10: 0267350651 ISBN 13: 9780267350650
Nuovo PAP

Da: UK, Fairford, GLOS, Regno Unito

Valutazione del venditore 5 su 5 stelle 5 stelle, Maggiori informazioni sulle valutazioni dei venditori

PAP. Condizione: New. New Book. Shipped from UK. Established seller since 2000. Codice articolo LW-9780267350650

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EUR 18,08
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Spese di spedizione: EUR 3,93
Da: Regno Unito a: U.S.A.
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Quantità: 15 disponibili

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