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Ink, India Scent to Her Grave ISBN 13: 9780425205334

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9780425205334: Scent to Her Grave
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When nasty Lydia Wang, the winner of a local beauty pageant, turns up dead in her aunt's bath and beauty store, Venus Envy, with a valuable artifact, the Mirror of Aphrodite, missing, amateur sleuth Persia Vanderbilt goes into action to find the culprit and to clear the name of one of the shop's leading employees who has become the prime suspect. Original.

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Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page





Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

The sweet smell of success . . .

My fragrance counter sat to the far right of the shop, next to the hall leading to Auntie’s office. We’d planned it so that I’d be out in the open, to encourage clients to ask about custom-blended fragrances. From where I sat, I had a good view of Venus Envy.

Lydia was waiting, impatiently tapping her foot. I sighed as I slipped into my chair. Blending specific fragrances wasn’t simply a matter of dumping several oils into a bottle, giving it a shake, and then slapping a name on it. I found the process fascinating—a dance of scent and reaction. It was up to me to make certain that the fragrances worked in rhythm with both my client’s body chemistry and personality, not always an easy task when I was working with someone who was abrasive. Considering Lydia’s character, I’d have to be careful or I’d end up with a fragrance that smelled like skunk cabbage. Or maybe just the skunk itself . . .

Bath and Body Mysteries by India Ink


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Berkley Prime Crime mass-market edition / October 2005


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“It’s the friends you can call up at 4 AM that matter.”
—Marlene Dietrich



With that thought in mind, I dedicate
this book to Alexandra Ash.


As always, I owe so much to my beloved Samwise, who, through the years, has proved a stalwart, loving, and faithful friend and husband, giving me the best encouragement that I could hope for. I love you, don’t you ever forget that. And a fuzzy thank-you to my four “gurlz,” who purr me to sleep, meow me awake, and generally make life livable.

Thank-yous go out to: my critique partner, Carolyn Agosta; my agent, Meredith Bernstein; my editor, Christine Zika; all my beloved WWBW Warpies; and friends who have encouraged and supported my efforts.

And lest I forget, thank you and a gentle nod to Aphrodite and Venus, who embody the essence of Beauty and all that it encompasses. And as always, to my beloved Mielikki, Tapio, Rauni, and Ukko.

To my readers: I hope you enjoy this new series, and though I write it under an “alter ego,” India Ink is just another mask of mine. You can reach me via my Web site:

~ the Painted Panther~

Yasmine Galenorn, a.k.a. India Ink


The recipes in this book are my own concoctions. I’ve spent many years blending magical oils, and here I give you—perhaps not magical recipes—but ones to heighten your senses, and bring new experiences into your lives.

Essential oils can be expensive, so yes, you may use synthetics if you can’t afford the pure ones, but bear in mind the fragrance may end up differing slightly. However, this should not be a significant problem. Also, some oils may irritate the skin, so if I make a note to the effect of “do not get on your skin,” I mean it. Cinnamon can irritate the skin. Black pepper and other oils can burn delicate tissue.

The oil and other bath recipes are obviously not for consumption, but I am stating it here to clear up any potential miscommunications: Don’t eat them or drink them. They’re meant to be used as fragrances, for dreaming pillows, sachets, potpourris, and the like.

“. . . thou who hast the fatal gift of beauty . . .”
—Lord Byron, 1788-1824

From the Pages of Persia’s Journal

Lite Dreams Oil

Created a great blend for a relaxation oil this week. Works like a charm and invigorates the spirit while calming the nerves. My insomnia has decreased ever since I started using it. I’ve been using Lite Dreams oil to scent dreaming pillows, homemade bath salts, unscented soap, sachets, potpourri. Aunt Florence thinks it will go over big, so we’re marketing it with a checklist of hints for restful sleep:

· Change your sheets and pillowcases and add a vase of fresh flowers to your nightstand.

· Dot your dreaming pillow or a sachet with Lite Dreams Oil and let set for an hour to absorb the oil. Tuck inside your pillowcase.

· Take a long, warm bath in lavender bubble bath.

· Spend ten minutes on slow, even stretching to relax the muscles in your body.

· Read a soothing book or magazine while sipping a cup of lemon tea.

· Cover closed eyes with slices of chilled cucumber for ten minutes.

· Slip into bed before midnight, to allow your body to catch the most restful hours of sleep.

Blend and store this oil (as with all oils) in a small, dark bottle. You will need a bottle and stopper or lid, an eyedropper, and the following:

1/4 ounce almond or apricot kernel oil (a good
unscented base)
25 drops sandalwood oil
25 drops lilac oil
10 drops lavender oil
12 drops lemon oil
8 drops carnation oil



dried lemongrass clippings (5-10 pieces, about 1/4
inch in length)
a small piece of rose quartz or amethyst (you can use
chips off a gemstone chip necklace)


Using an eyedropper, add each fragrance oil to the almond oil, gently swirling after each addition to blend the scent. After adding all the oils, cap and shake gently. At this time, add a few clippings of dried lemongrass and/or a piece of rose quartz or amethyst to the bottle for added energy, if so desired.

Rose quartz crystals promote peace, happiness, and love. Amethyst promotes healing. The lemongrass clippings will intensify the scent and add a decorative touch. Keep oil in a cool, dark place—if left in the sun it will lose potency. As always, remind customers to avoid eating or drinking this oil, and to keep it out of the reach of children and animals.

Chapter One

When I found myself flat on my back, staring up at the ceiling with the edge of a stair jutting into my shoulder blades, a premonition told me that the week was about to be shot to hell, but I never expected to end up embroiled in the middle of a murder case.

My lack of foresight was probably a good thing, considering my tendency to jump in feet first, damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead. After all, my nickname when I was a little girl was Imp, short for “impetuous.” Over the years, I’ve learned the hard way that there’s no escaping your destiny, and if the fates want to roast you over a fire and serve you on a platter, you might as well just open your mouth for the apple. So when destiny comes knocking, I yank open the door and invite her in, suitcases and all.

“What the heck do you think you’re doing?” I leaned my head back to stare at Delilah, who flicked her tail at me from her perch on the landing above.

She’d darted under my legs as I headed down the stairs, then looped around back up to the landing. At least I hadn’t gone tumbling down the entire flight. Instead, when I tripped, I flailed, regained enough balance to grab hold of the railing, then toppled backward, like tall timber, rather than face first to the waiting hall below. Yeah, a typical Monday, all right.

The inky spot on her squashed-in nose seemed to pulsate with a life of its own in stark contrast to the rest of her white fluffball of a body. Sixteen years old and well on her way to senility, Delilah had considered me “the enemy” ever since I’d moved back home. She was certain I was trying to usurp her place in Aunt Florence’s heart and I couldn’t convince her otherwise.

I pushed myself to a sitting position. My lower back popped and I grimaced. That sore spot hadn’t been there before. I glanced over my shoulder at Delilah, whose eyes were positively sparkling.

“You’re crazy as a bedbug. You know that, cat?”

With a thwap, her tail smacked the floor and she turned to sashay up the stairs to my aunt’s room, her work for the day complete, her bloomers swaying with every delicate paw-step.

I tested myself for any broken bones. Nope, none that I could find. I had a background in Aikido and Tai Chi, but neither had left me prepared for the machinations of a jealous cat. Moving my shoulder again, I decided that the only damage done was a couple of bruises from where I’d managed to catch myself on the railing. At least I didn’t break my neck. I’d live. Yeah, Mondays sucked rocks.

With a quick shake to scatter the dust bunnies that now complemented my black jeans and tank top, I dashed down to the kitchen. I was running late and didn’t have time for breakfast. As I yanked open the refrigerator, a sandwich in a Tupperware container caught my eye. Yay! Auntie had left me a sandwich. She knew that without food I’d be a basket case by midmorning. Grateful, I snagged up the ham and cheese along with my purse and hit the door. Twenty minutes late and counting. Not good. Not good form to keep customers waiting. Not good business juju.

I edged the odometer up a notch, running through my to-do list for the day. Tawny had scheduled four appointments for me at Venus Envy, my aunt’s bath and beauty shop. And we were out of Lite Dreams oil; I needed to whip up a new bottle. That in itself wouldn’t take long, but blending it into the lotions, soaps, and bath salts we sold in the Dream-Song line, well, that required a little more skill. Maybe I could snare—oh, shit. I hit the brakes and swerved over to the shoulder of the road.

As I fumbled through my tote bag, my stomach twisted. I’d lost the lesson plan I’d written up for the self-defense class I had recently began teaching at the local community college on Sunday evenings. I knew that I’d put it in my tote bag yesterday, and I didn’t remember taking it out.

I closed my eyes, trying to recall the last time I’d seen it. An image of lamb chops drifted through my mind, distracting me briefly. Yum, I could go for a lamb chop, grilled medium rare with rosemary and garlic.

With a shake of my head, I brought my attention back to the matter at hand. The image of the lamb chops reminded me where I’d left my notes. Last night, I had dinner with Barb at the Book Wich. While searching for my credit card, I placed the lesson plan next to me on the seat of our booth and forgot to put it back in my purse. Since the Book Wich ran a barebones lost-and-found box, chances were good that it had been recycled. Anything that looked like a pile of papers had probably ended up in the trash.

With a sigh, I pulled back onto the road and shifted into high gear. That lesson plan would take me a good two hours to reconstruct and, like an idiot, I’d also left the handouts on the table. To add insult to injury, I hadn’t bothered to save it on my laptop after printing it out. Aunt Florence had warned me, and I’d laughed her off. I printed it out, why should I bother saving it? Stupid, but par for the course.

Thoroughly ticked, I didn’t notice the cruiser hiding behind the blue spruce at the corner of Oakwood Avenue and Lake Park Boulevard. The siren startled me out of my thoughts and, with a groan, I pulled over to the shoulder again, brushing the hair off my face where the wind had blown it into my eyes.

A glance in the rearview mirror confirmed that today was indeed the day from hell. Kyle Laughlin, Gull Harbor’s ever vigilant chief of police, swaggered over to my Sebring. Joy, joy, and more joy. Kyle and I had never been on the best of terms. When I was in seventh grade, Kyle had developed a crush on me, but I’d been after his cousin Jared, who was in my homeroom class. And when I accepted Jared’s invitation to the Gull Harbor Harvest Dance after turning down Kyle, it caused a rift that had lasted until I left for college.

Six months ago, when I’d returned to Gull Harbor, I’d hoped that the intervening years might have taken the edge off their rivalry, but apparently I’d been wrong. Even though his cousin had come out of the closet, Kyle still acted like I’d refused him yesterday. He was still playing king of the hill with Jared, who now worked over at Gull Harbor Community Col...

Product Description:
Venus Envy, the bath and body store in Gull Harbor, Washington, takes care of residents' beauty needs. Behind the counter is Persia Vanderbilt, a woman with a nose for mixing scents and a mind for solving murder. This first in a new series includes beauty and spa tips. Original.

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  • EditoreBerkley Pub Group
  • Data di pubblicazione2005
  • ISBN 10 0425205339
  • ISBN 13 9780425205334
  • RilegaturaCopertina flessibile
  • Numero di pagine260
  • Valutazione libreria

Altre edizioni note dello stesso titolo

9780786284054: Scent to Her Grave: A Bath And Body Mystery

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ISBN 10:  0786284056 ISBN 13:  9780786284054
Casa editrice: Thorndike Pr, 2006

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Ink, India
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ISBN 10: 0425205339 ISBN 13: 9780425205334
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Ink, India
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Ink, India
Editore: Berkley (2005)
ISBN 10: 0425205339 ISBN 13: 9780425205334
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Ink, India
Editore: Berkley (2005)
ISBN 10: 0425205339 ISBN 13: 9780425205334
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Ink, India
Editore: Berkley (2005)
ISBN 10: 0425205339 ISBN 13: 9780425205334
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Wizard Books
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Ink, India (Author)
Editore: Berkley (2005)
ISBN 10: 0425205339 ISBN 13: 9780425205334
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Revaluation Books
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Descrizione libro Paperback. Condizione: Brand New. reissue edition. 260 pages. 6.75x4.25x0.75 inches. In Stock. Codice articolo 0425205339

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Ink, India
Editore: Berkley (2005)
ISBN 10: 0425205339 ISBN 13: 9780425205334
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Toscana Books
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Ink, India
Editore: Berkley (2005)
ISBN 10: 0425205339 ISBN 13: 9780425205334
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