Articoli correlati a Teacher's Handbook (Level 4)

Teacher's Handbook (Level 4) - Brossura

9780582288348: Teacher's Handbook (Level 4)

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This teacher's handbook offers support for planning and organizing the development of mathematical skills throughout the school. It gives guidance and suggestions for all activities, advice on using the components and notes for each unit. Constant diagnostic advice is provided by the "Maths Links", which indicate at a glance the previous mathematical stage and the following stage. They allow teachers to see how all mathematical concepts and skills develop throughout the scheme. "Maths Links" can be used to plan work for pupils who are at the extremes of the ability range. Also included is a "Mental Maths" programme designed to build pupils' confidence with number and number facts. Short, regular sessions are linked to each teaching focus, supporting the skills development in each unit and progressing throughout the scheme.

Le informazioni nella sezione "Riassunto" possono far riferimento a edizioni diverse di questo titolo.

  • EditoreLongman
  • Data di pubblicazione1996
  • ISBN 10 0582288347
  • ISBN 13 9780582288348
  • RilegaturaRilegatura a spirale
  • Numero di pagine224

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