This daybook for the millennium gathers 365 thoughts, stories and reflections from the Christophers, to help everyone bring about positive changes in their lives and the lives of those around them. Each day comes with a moving story, followed by a passage from the Bible and an affirmation.
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Father Thomas Keating is known throughout the world as an exponent, teacher, and writer on contemplative prayer. A Cistercian (Trappist) monk of St. Benedict's Monastery, Snowmass, Colorado, he is a founder of the Centering Prayer Movement and of Contemplative Outreach. He is the author of numerous books, particularly of the trilogy Open Mind, Open Heart; Invitation to Love; and The Mystery of Christ. Among his most recent books is The Daily Reader for Contemplative Living, compiled by S. Stephanie Iachetta.
Book by Keating OCSO Thomas
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