Articoli correlati a Love and Dream, Japanese Art Calligraphy by Koshu

Love and Dream, Japanese Art Calligraphy by Koshu - Brossura

9780992733209: Love and Dream, Japanese Art Calligraphy by Koshu

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The Author and Artist. Koshu (Akemi Lucas), has a lineage that very few Master Calligraphers in Japan have; she was taught by Master Seizan Fujimoto, who was a named student of the famous Master Kakudo Arita, who was a named student of the legendary famous master, Kaikaku Niwa, whom followed the historically well known Calligrapher of Meiji period, Meikaku Kusakabe. In addition, her art carries a poetic message that is integral to her fresh innovative style, evoking inspiration and admiration to any viewers. Her art expresses a sentimental message where life experiences and fundamental values are expressed in the form of calligraphy. For instance, values such that we as humans evolve around "Love", "Harmony", "Sincerity", "The meaning of life" and "The sleepers must awaken" etc - With her deep understanding of what humanity is, she shares the universal and profound realisations with others through her art. This is Koshu's message: "This book of my art expresses the gratitude I feel to all those I have met in the past, present and those who I am going to meet in the future. The title " Love and Dream" has a significant message, and all my artwork evolves around this theme; the title has connotations to appreciating the love you are given, to feel joy to give your love, and having a dream which will make you shine and attract those around you, leading you to meet another precious person in your life. This moment is my next stage as a calligrapher, Koshu. I would love to carry on dreaming, carry on making my brush dance, and to continue my journey to where I am destined to be; expressing myself to each and every one I meet on my journey, hoping to shine in their live. I hope that my message and feeling can be shared to you through my artwork."

Le informazioni nella sezione "Riassunto" possono far riferimento a edizioni diverse di questo titolo.

  • ISBN 10 0992733200
  • ISBN 13 9780992733209
  • RilegaturaCopertina flessibile
  • LinguaInglese

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