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The Merriweather Girls and the Mystery of the Queen's Fan - Brossura

9781153825962: The Merriweather Girls and the Mystery of the Queen's Fan

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Excerpt: ...notoriously stingy, everybody laughed at the joke. "We'll do better than that," exclaimed Bet. "Come on Kit, let's go over and buy a broom. We'll need it!" In a few minutes Bet and Kit came running back, each with a large broom. "And here's where we are supposed to shine!" laughed Phil, as each captured a broom and started right in where they were standing. "Not that way!" shouted Kit, for a cloud of dust rose about their heads. "This way!" suggested Shirley and the boys stopped and paid attention to her, as they usually did. "Stand on those old chairs and sweep off the ceilings and walls and in that show window while the brooms are nice and clean; then you can do the floors." "That tan shade of the walls isn't bad at all. I think we can make that do, don't you, Shirley?" asked Bet. "Yes. We don't want to do any more than we have to," Shirley answered. "I don't like those high walls," pouted Bet. "We'll have them lowered," teased Bob. "If I may be allowed to suggest, Miss Fixit," said Colonel Baxter, addressing Shirley with great ceremony, "I would say that a band of contrasting color could be painted around the walls just about at the height of your head. That will give the effect of a lower ceiling at once." "Oh yes, Dad, the way you had it done in your den! And that room always looks so cozy." "After a while when the shop begins to pay, you could buy burlap and run that around under your border. That would make a backing for displaying your pictures." Everybody liked that idea. The girls felt at home in Shirley's Shop even before it was cleaned up. And they closed it reluctantly until Friday afternoon when they were to meet and clean the windows and wood work. It was hard for the girls to keep their minds on their school work during the next week. Visions of the shop, as it was to look some day, filled their thoughts to the exclusion of history dates and right angle triangles. Shirley had to be industrious. After her home work was finished she...

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  • EditoreGeneral Books
  • Data di pubblicazione2010
  • ISBN 10 1153825961
  • ISBN 13 9781153825962
  • RilegaturaCopertina flessibile
  • Numero di pagine98

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