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Superman: Redemption (Superman): Redemption (Superman): Redemption (Superman) - Brossura

9781845767440: Superman: Redemption (Superman): Redemption (Superman): Redemption (Superman)

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The world's most famous superhero, Superman's adventures protecting Metropolis have thrilled readers worldwide for over sixty years! When Clark Kent travels to the African nation of Nyasir, he discovers a young man intent on keeping both missionaries and believers safe. But with power levels beyond his control, the young man causes a terrible tragedy. Superman must now discover the secret of Redemption before things get even worse! Plus, a dark tale of Superman gone bad! Kurt Busiek (Astro City) and Fabian Nicieza (X-Men), with artists Carlos Pacheco (JLA/JSA) and Walt Slmonson (Thor) present tales of Superman versus the supernatural!

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  • EditoreTitan Books Ltd
  • Data di pubblicazione2008
  • ISBN 10 1845767446
  • ISBN 13 9781845767440
  • RilegaturaCopertina flessibile
  • Numero di pagine112

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Altre edizioni note dello stesso titolo

9781401216368: Superman: Redemption

Edizione in evidenza

ISBN 10:  1401216366 ISBN 13:  9781401216368
Casa editrice: DC Comics, 2008