Contents: Sutton in the Isle of Ely and its Architectural Context (Richard Fawcett); Medieval Timberwork at Ely (John Fletcher); The Fourteenth-Century Tile Pavements in Prior Crauden's Chapel and in the South Transept (Lawrence Keen); Ely Cathedral: the Fourteenth-Century Work (Nicola Coldstream).
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Da: Germania a: U.S.A.
Da: moluna, Greven, Germania
Condizione: New. Dieser Artikel ist ein Print on Demand Artikel und wird nach Ihrer Bestellung fuer Sie gedruckt. British Archaeological AssociationThis is the second volume in the series launched by the British Archaeological Association in which are to be published the transactions of the annual conferences devoted to the study of a major medieval monument and. Codice articolo 597155836
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