"After the success of Or Glory 21st Century Rockers, acclaimed photographer Horst A. Friedrichs captures the spirit of The Rockers Jacket in modern times. First coming into its own as a symbol of youth rebellion in the 50s, the Leather jacket continues to fascinate as much for its beauty as its mythology.
The leather jacket belongs to that select group of garments that can be described as iconic. No other western garment has been individualized that much, expressing the soul of who it belongs. The book features new exclusive pictures from the Lewis
leathers vintage jacket collection. Iconic leather jackets never seen before, but also showing the contemporary replicas by Lewis Leathers."
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Horst A. Friedrichswas born in Frankfurt in 1966. Over the years, he has produced a number of extraordinary photo books featuring fashion and lifestyle beyond the mainstream. He works as a free-lance photojournalist for amongst others, Stern, Geo,The New York Times and The Independent.
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