Allington Antiquarian Books, LLC (IOBA)

Winston-Salem, NC, U.S.A.

+1 336-414-0435

Libreria AbeBooks da: 17 febbraio 2021

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A proposito di questo venditore

AbeBooks' uniqueness is our network of independent booksellers who work with us to provide the most diverse selection of rare, used and out-of-print books on the Internet. It is these sellers, with their experience, commitment and love of the used and out-of-print book business who help all our buyers find that treasure they've been looking for.

Cerca nei cataloghi di Allington Antiquarian Books, LLC (IOBA)

Membro dell'associazione

I librai membri di queste associazioni si distinguono per elevata competenza e professionalità. Garantiscono l'autenticità di tutti gli articoli messi in vendita. Forniscono descrizioni approfondite e dettagliate, rivelano tutti i difetti e / o restauri rilevanti, forniscono prezzi chiari e precisi e operano con correttezza e onestà durante l'esperienza di acquisto.

Condizioni di vendita

We guarantee the condition of every book as described in our listing. If you're
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the book is not as described in our listing, or the book arrives damaged, you
are eligible for a full refund, including shipping to you (and from you by a
method acceptable to us), as long as you return the book to us within 30 days
after the date you received it, and in the condition in which you received it.
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