Boguna Books

Boguna Books

SOUTHSEA, United Kingdom

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Libreria AbeBooks da: 10 febbraio 2022

A proposito di questo venditore

Informazioni dettagliate sul venditore

Selling books from across the spectrum but, especially, including offerings from The Folio Society, academic books in the specific areas of creative writing and psychology, as well as publications on the history of North Oxfordshire.

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Condizioni di vendita

Item specifics will be included in the description, with photographs of the actual book where possible. Books will be securely wrapped with, mostly, recycled eco-packaging and posted within 2 working days. If there is a delay for any reason customers will be informed, with an option to cancel.

Condizioni di spedizione

Items will not be tracked or insured, beyond the basic levels from the UK's Royal Mail, unless for rare or antiquarian books or if specifically
requested. Tracking, or insurance, over and above that which may be included in listings will incur an additional charge. Shipping rates will vary in range according to weight and size of the item.