

near HARWICH, United Kingdom

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Libreria AbeBooks da: 30 novembre 2023

A proposito di questo venditore

Selling second hand books from the 1920s onwards.

Cerca nei cataloghi di Dagna

Cataloghi della Libreria

Joan Butler

Joan Butler is the pen name used by Irish writer Robert William Alexander (1905 - 1977). The books were published from 1929 to 1958.
Catalogo completo

Cookery books

Cookery books to fill any gaps on your shelves
Catalogo completo

Condizioni di vendita

I am not currently registered with the EPR authorities in France, Germany or Spain, and so cannot sell to those countries.

Condizioni di spedizione

Shipping rates and estimated times are based on Royal Mail parcel service, and assume a parcel weight of 1kg (2.2 lbbs). This is based on the average weight of the books listed; heavier books are identified in their descriptions; if the weight of your parcel exceeds 1kg, I may contact you to let you know that extra shipping is required. I am based in the UK, so books shipped to the rest of the world (anywhere not in the UK) may not arrive in time for Christmas 2023.