Farbeyond Books

Farbeyond Books


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Libreria AbeBooks da: 24 giugno 2023

A proposito di questo venditore

Informazioni dettagliate sul venditore

Farbeyond Books sells used science fiction, fantasy, and other fiction books donated from the Estate of James Gunn, authors Chris McKitterick & Kij Johnson, and the Ad Astra Institute of Science Fiction and the Speculative Imagination - where a portion of the proceeds go. Farbeyond Books is woman-owned and home-operated from Lawrence, Kansas. Our website with more details is farbeyondbooks.com

Cerca nei cataloghi di Farbeyond Books

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Easton Press: Beautiful Books for Your Shelves

Our collection of Easton Press books make any collector's shelf have some aesthetic and sophisticated airs.
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Rare Books: Sci-fi Collectors' Dream

New uploads added all the time!
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Condizioni di vendita

All books subject to prior sale. At this time, checks are not accepted. If you have questions or concerns about any listings not addressed by the book description, order the book, and in the Special Instructions during checkout, specify your exact requirements concerning the conditions, edition, or other aspects of the book. If the book fits your requirements, we'll ship it; if not, we won't.

Condizioni di spedizione

We ship from the United States, so our International Shipping Prices are general estimates. Please reach out to me for a price quote if you would like to see how much exactly shipping fees cost for whichever book(s) you are potentially interested in.

We ship all orders carefully packed, orders are sent through standard mailing unless otherwise specified under Special Instructions for Priority/ First Class Mailing, which will include an additional cost. Shipping rates are based on books weighing 2.2LB (1KG). Additional charges may apply for oversize, heavy, or more expensive books. Customers will always be informed of additional shipping costs.

  • Lauren