Jake's Place Books

Jake's Place Books

2205 Jan Drive
Clarksville, TN, U.S.A. 37043

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Libreria AbeBooks da: 28 giugno 2019

A proposito di questo venditore

Jake's Place Books was a (mostly) used bookstore just outside Chicago, in Oak Park's Arts District. Covid and a need for more green and less traffic moved us to on-line only and Clarksville, Tennessee. Although we specialize in performing arts, poetry and LGBTQ+ books, we have a full selection of items in all genres.

Cerca nei cataloghi di Jake's Place Books

Condizioni di vendita

We guarantee the condition of every book as described on Abebooks. If you are dissatisfied with your purchase (Incorrect Book/Not as Described/Damaged) or if the order hasn't arrived, you're eligible for a refund within 30 days of the estimated delivery date. If you've changed your mind about a book that you've ordered, please use the [Ask bookseller a question] link to contact us and we'll respond within 2 business days.

Condizioni di spedizione

All orders are typically shipped daily Monday-Friday. If your order is placed after 10:00am Central Time it will most likely be shipped the following day. If your order exceeds a certain weight or size, we may contact you to provide additional cost for shipping.