La Clandestina Books

La Clandestina Books


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+34 639532936

Libreria AbeBooks da: 27 aprile 2024

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Informazioni dettagliate sul venditore

Librería anticuaria alcarreña La Clandestina Tlf.: 639532936 C/ Tinte 2 19400 Brihuega ( Guadalajara ) Enviamos a cualquier lugar del mundo. Amplio y variado catálogo: Historia, arte, filosofía, arquitectura, sociología, viajes, literatura clásica y contemporanea, biografías, diccionarios, documentos antiguos,etc.,etc..

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The shipping costs shown are for shipments by ordinary mail, only for peninsular national territory.
LA CLANDESTINA & BOOKS S.L. ** IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE POSSIBLE LOSSES that may be caused in your order under the ordinary mail modality **. Shipping under our responsibility in certified mail.
The shipping price is stipulated for medium-sized books and not weighing more than 500gr.
Certified shipments have a value of € 5 up to 2kg in weight.
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International shipments, consult.