Antiq. F.-D. Söhn - Medicusbooks.Com

Antiquariat für Medizin Fritz-Dieter Söhn
Renthof 8 Marburg, Germany 35037

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+49 06421-66002

Libreria AbeBooks da: 12 gennaio 2006

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Informazioni dettagliate sul venditore

Antiquariat für Medizin - Fritz-Dieter Söhn - MedicusBooks.Com, 35037 Marburg, Renthof 8, Deutschland, 0049-(0)6421-66002, - is a mail order firm founded in 1978 by Fritz-Dieter Söhn. It has one of the world's largest inventories of old, rare, and out-of-print books in medicine, surgery, and related fields -- more than 25,000 already registered titles and many more on stock. We have a comprehensive stock of secondary sources, books on medical history, medical biography, and medical bibliography. Our stock includes not only books but engraved prints to all medical subjects, as well portraits of physicians, surgeons, and medical scientists. We issue catalogues on all special fields of medicine on request so please order our catalogues. Please let us know what subjects and authors you search for, and be sure we respond to your want lists.

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I librai membri di queste associazioni si distinguono per elevata competenza e professionalità. Garantiscono l'autenticità di tutti gli articoli messi in vendita. Forniscono descrizioni approfondite e dettagliate, rivelano tutti i difetti e / o restauri rilevanti, forniscono prezzi chiari e precisi e operano con correttezza e onestà durante l'esperienza di acquisto.
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Information zur Verbraucherschlichtung: - According to ILAB rules. Mailing charge extra. Visa and Mastercard accepted. Please quote if you wish delivery by Air- or Surface Mail Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen Antiquariat für Medizin Fritz-Dieter Söhn Renthof 8 D-35037 Marburg Allgemeine Lieferungs- und Zahlungsbedingungen des Antiquariat für Medizin, Fritz-Dieter Söhn und Widerufsbelehrung I.Vertragsabschluss, Angebot und Widerrufsreccht: 1. Die Angebote des Ve...

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