Articoli correlati a Kinematics and Dynamics of Mechanisms

Kinematics and Dynamics of Mechanisms - Brossura

9780077072421: Kinematics and Dynamics of Mechanisms

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This book provides an understanding of all the principles involved in the analysis and synthesis of mechanisms. By virtue of the nature of the subject the approach is mathematical, but the solution of the resulting equations can be carried out using various techniques - e.g. numerical and computational. It adopts a far more comprehensive approach than existing texts and fulfills all that is required by mechanical, aeronautical and production engineering students. Special features include: sections on space mechanisms, robotic manipu lators, six-bar linkages, tolerances, and a number of computer programs in BASIC and FORTRAN.

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Altre edizioni note dello stesso titolo

9780071006330: Kinematics and dynamics of mechanisms

Edizione in evidenza

ISBN 10:  0071006338 ISBN 13:  9780071006330
Casa editrice: McGraw-Hill, 1991