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  • Hardcover. vi, [1], 206 p.; 19.5 cm. [title continues] Being lectures delivered at the Cambridge summer meeting, 1916 / by members of the University. -- Contents: Theism and modern thought I-II, W. R. Sorley; Human freedom, J. W. Oman; The problem of the existence of moral evil, F. R. Tennant; The problem of suffering, F. R. Tennant; The doctrine of providence, V. H. Stanton; Prayer, V. H. Stanton; War, J. W. Oman; Competition between individuals and classes, considered from the Christian point of view, W. Moore Ede; Competition between nations, considered from the Christian point of view, W. Moore Ede. -- From the prefatory note by V. H. Stanton: `The Committee of the Local Lectures, when arranging for such a Course this year, held that it ought to deal directly with those difficulties for Christian Theism which are raised by the spectacle of conflict and suffering in the world--difficulties which have long been more or less familiar to thoughtful minds, but which are, perhaps, more acutely and widely felt at the present moment, owing to the circumstances of the time, than they ever were before. It should be added that there was no consultation among the lecturers as to the treatment of the subjects allotted to them, and that they are responsible only for what they have individually said. But in spite of this independence, and of the fact that the subjects of the lectures, more especially those of the first seven, are intimately connected, it will not, I think, be found that there is needless repetition, or that there are serious discrepancies of thought.' Good lt. spotted orig. rose beige cloth.