EUR 4,95
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Aggiungi al carrelloContents Preface 1 Environmental Biology 2 Environment 3 Biosphere 4 Biogeochemical Cycles 5 Population Ecology 6 Ecological Divisions of India 7 Ecological Succession 8 Freshwater Habitats 9 Marinewater Habitats 10 Estuarine Habitats 11 Terrestrial Habit 316 pp.
EUR 5,55
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Aggiungi al carrelloContents Preface 1 Introduction to Surveying and Mapping 2 Measurements and Errors 3 Measurement of Horizontal Distance 4 Measurement of Vertical Distance 5 Representation of Vertical Distance 6 Relative Direction of Line 7 Measurement of Horizontal distance and Vertical Elevation Simultaneously 8 Measurement of Absolute Direction 9 Control Survey 10 Location of details 11 Route Survey Appendix Index Elementary Engineering Surveying is a text book for students attending the first course on Engineering Survey The book is written very concisely and to the point for student to devout less time for study without compromising the quality of understanding and learning the elements of engineering survey The book has eleven chapters prepared in modular form with an aim to carry out field surveying systematically Starting from fundamentals of surveying chapters include measurement of horizontal and vertical distances and angles surveying instruments and their working with due importance to mapping the ultimate objective of surveying Each chapter contains many solved examples in which field data have been used Inclusion of a chapter on errors and its effect on measurement and another chapter on determination of azimuth from astronomical observation has made the book a unique one in the elementary level Further the book is endowed with excellent figures and rich diversity of field problems which are expected to serve students best 310 pp.
EUR 28,97
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Aggiungi al carrellotables, figs (illustratore). Contents 1 Introduction 2 Classification origin and domestication 3 Production systems and population trend 4 Breeds of pigs 5 Genetic 6 Genetic improvement 7 Breeding 8 Heritability and repeatability estimates 9 Selection of Herd 10 Reproduction in pig 1 546 pp.