EUR 19,98
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Aggiungi al carrelloTrade Paperback. Condizione: Very Good. First Edition. First Edition, Third Printing. Not price-clipped ($11 price intact). Published by Grove Press, 1994. Octavo. Paperback. Book is very good with partial creasing on front cover. 100% positive feedback. 30 day money back guarantee. NEXT DAY SHIPPING! Excellent customer service. Please email with any questions or if you would like a photo. All books packed carefully and ship with free delivery confirmation/tracking. All books come with free bookmarks. Ships from Sag Harbor, New York.
EUR 9,95
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Aggiungi al carrelloRustica (tapa blanda). Condizione: New. Condizione sovraccoperta: Nuevo. 01. Desconcertante, lista a inquietar a la crítica, está ya en los escaparates la primera novela de Juan Rulfo, Pedro Páramo, que transcurre en una serie de transposiciones oníricas, ahondando más allá de la muerte de sus personajes, que uno no sabe en qué momento son sueño, vida, fábula, verdad, pero a los que se les oye la voz al través de la ?perspicacia despiadada y certera de tan sin duda extraordinario escritor. Con estas palabras iniciaba Edmundo Valadés la primera reseña de Pedro Páramo, aparecida el 30 de marzo de 1955 y conservada por Rulfo entre sus papeles. . Desde entonces, escritores como Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel García Márquez, Gunter Grass, Susan Sontag y Mario Vargas Llosa, o el cineasta Werner Herzog, entre muchos más de cualquier lengua, coinciden en calificar esta novela como una de las obras maestras de la literatura de todos los tiempos. La encuesta del Instituto Nobel de Suecia, de 2002, dirigida a un centenar de escritores y estudiosos de todo el mundo, ubicó a Pedro Páramo entre las cien obras que constituyen el núcleo del patrimonio universal de la literatura. . El dibujo a tinta de la portada es de Ricardo Martínez. Apareció en la primera edición de Pedro Páramo, que se terminó de imprimir el 19 de marzo de 1955. LIBRO.
Editore: Seix & Barral, Barcelona, 1983
Lingua: Spagnolo
Da: Llibrenet, Sant Feliu del Raco, BARC, Spagna
Prima edizione
EUR 5,00
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Aggiungi al carrelloEncuadernación de tapa dura. Condizione: Bien. Novela (illustratore). 1ª Edición. Col. Obras Maestras de la Literatura Contemporánea, 27.
EUR 8,00
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Aggiungi al carrelloBon état. collection L'Imaginaire. in12. 1993. broché. 144 pages. Un vol. couv. imp. int. frais.
Editore: Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1975
ISBN 10: 351801434X ISBN 13: 9783518014349
Lingua: Tedesco
Da: Fundus-Online GbR Borkert Schwarz Zerfaß, Berlin, Germania
Prima edizione
EUR 10,00
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Aggiungi al carrelloCondizione: Gut. 1. Auflage. 133 S. Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar, Schutzumschlag am Buchrücken etwas blass. - Der einzige Roman des Mexikaners Juan Rulfo (1918-1986) hat Epoche gemacht, sein Ein- fluß auf die Literatur in Latein- amerika ist nur dem des Werks von Borges, der Romane von García Márquez, der Prosa Onettis vergleichbar. Im Mittelpunkt steht der über- mächtige Großgrundbesitzer Pedro Páramo, der seine Umgebung besinnungslos unterdrückt. Erzählt wird die Geschichte von dem jungen Juan Preciado - als postumer Monolog und im Dialog mit einer Bettlerin, neben der er im Grab liegt. In der zwingenden Verbindung von lakonischem Realismus und bildhaften Traumszenen liegt die Kraft dieses Romans, der die sprachlosen Gewaltverhältnisse der lateinamerikanischen Wirklichkeit in Literatur über- führt, in Prosa von strenger Schönheit. ISBN 9783518014349 Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 550 Pappband mit Schutzumschlag (Orange).
Editore: München Wien: Hanser, 1989
Da: Norbert Plate, Wildberg, D, Germania
Prima edizione
EUR 8,00
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Aggiungi al carrelloDeutsche Erstausgabe. 8°. 132, [2] S. Orig.- Pappband mit Schutzumschlag Sehr gutes Exemplar.
Da: Imosver, PONTECALDELAS, Spagna
Prima edizione
EUR 23,70
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Aggiungi al carrelloCondizione: Nuevo. Celebrando los 70 años de su publicación, la novela Pedro Páramo es reconocida como una de las obras maestras de la literatura mundial.Traducida a numerosos idiomas, Pedro Páramo sigue conquistando nuevos lectores en todo el mundo, consolidando su lugar en la literatura universal.Al cumplir los 70 años de su primera edición Pedro Páramo ha alcanzado ya la condición de clásico de la literatura no sólo en lengua española. Así lo han señalado autores como Gabriel García Márquez ("la más bella de las novelas que se han escrito jamás en lengua española"), Jorge Luis Borges ("Pedro Páramo es una de las mejores novelas de las literaturas de lengua hispánica, y aun de la literatura"), Susan Sontag (?una de las obras maestras de la literatura universal [?]. Pedro Páramo es un clásico en el sentido más cabal del término?) y otros. Sus traducciones alcanzan cada vez más lenguas y se rehacen en busca de la excelencia. En este libro se verán casi un centenar de las mismas a través de sus portadas. Los niveles de lectura de Pedro Páramo son inagotables, sin embargo, su poderoso atractivo, eminentemente literario, reúne la mayoría de las visiones que se ocupan de ella haciendo de cada relectura una experiencia diferente para sus frecuentadores. Y aún nos faltaría hablar de la poesía (sólo la poesía, dijo Paul Valéry, nos invita a leerla repetidamente sin perder su seducción inicial), secreto de su perdurabilidad: ?la meta de la vida de todo escritor es producir un gran libro ?es decir, una obra perdurable?, y es lo que hizo Rulfo?:
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Nuovo - A partire da EUR 42,70
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EUR 4,00
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Aggiungi al carrelloTapa Blanda. Condizione: Bien. 1ª Edición. Colección 'Ave Fénix'. Rústica. Hojas levemente amarillentas9788484501923. Debolsillo. España. 2000. 18x11 centímetros. 235 páginas. Tapa blanda. Estado=Bien.
Editore: Verlag Volk und Welt Berlin, 1976
Da: Antiquariat BücherParadies, Wettin-Löbejün, Germania
Prima edizione
EUR 7,00
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Aggiungi al carrelloBroschiert. Condizione: Gut. Condizione sovraccoperta: mit Schutzumschlag. 1. Auflage. Oktav. Volk und Welt Spektrum. Erste Auflage, 149 Seiten. Nr. 92. Broschiert mit Umschlag. gut erhalten. /D0202.
Editore: Volk und Welt, 1983
Lingua: Tedesco
Da: nika-books, art & crafts GbR, Nordwestuckermark-Fürstenwerder, NWUM, Germania
Prima edizione
EUR 12,00
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Aggiungi al carrello1. Auflage,. 323 Seiten, Das Buch ist in einem guten Zustand. Abgleich des Titelbildes bitte bei nika-books. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 550 8° , gebundene Ausgabe, Leinen,
Editore: Verlag Volk und Welt Berlin, 1983
Da: Antiquariat BücherParadies, Wettin-Löbejün, Germania
Prima edizione
EUR 15,00
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Aggiungi al carrelloLeinen. Condizione: Sehr gut. Condizione sovraccoperta: mit Schutzumschlag. 1. Auflage. Oktav. Ex Libris. Erste Auflage, 322 Seiten. Leinen mit Umschlag. gut/sehr gut erhalten, wie ungelesen. /D0202.
Editore: Biblioteca Ayacucho, Venezuela, 1977
ISBN 10: 8466001417 ISBN 13: 9788466001410
Lingua: Spagnolo
Da: Libreria Babel, Caracas, Venezuela
Prima edizione
EUR 34,96
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Aggiungi al carrelloHardcover. Condizione: Very Good. Condizione sovraccoperta: Very Good. 1st Edition. Presenta Coloración Por El Tiempo Y Desgaste, Por Favor Vea Las Fotos. Presents Time Coloration And Little Wear, Please Check Pictures.
Hardcover. Condizione: Good. No Jacket. First edition THUS. Shelf and handling wear to cover and binding, with general signs of previous use. Binding is tight and structurally sound. Clean interior pages. Dust jacket wrapped in mylar. Secure packaging for safe delivery. 2.
EUR 49,95
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Aggiungi al carrelloSoft cover. Condizione: As New. 1st Edition.
EUR 25,00
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Aggiungi al carrelloPrima edizione italiana. Coll. Le Comete n 9 Bross. (21x12) pp.166 Romanzo. Traduzione di Emilia Mancuso. Copertina di Albe Steiner. In perfetto stato We ship all over the world. Shipping cost depends on weight and country. Please ask for a quote before ordering.
Editore: Berlin, Verlag Volk und Welt, 1983
Lingua: Tedesco
Da: Antiquariat an der Nikolaikirche, Leipzig, Germania
Prima edizione
EUR 14,00
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Aggiungi al carrelloCondizione: Gut. 1. Auflage. 322 Seiten., Reihe ex libris. Das Papier ist leicht gilb, sonst gutes Exemplar mit Lesebändchen. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 900 8°. illustrierte OLeinwand mit Schutzumschlag (dieser mit geringen Gebrauchsspuren).,
Editore: Feltrinelli, Milano, 1960
Da: i libri di Prospero (ILAB - ALAI), PARMA, PR, Italia
Prima edizione
EUR 30,00
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Aggiungi al carrelloSoftcover. First Italian Edition. coll.Le comete, 8°, br., pp.166. # Prima edizione italiana.
Editore: Berlin: Verlag Volk und Welt, 1983
Lingua: Tedesco
Da: Leipziger Antiquariat, Leipzig, Germania
Prima edizione
EUR 13,97
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Aggiungi al carrelloCondizione: Gut. 1. Auflage. 322 Seiten Zustand: Schutzumschlag leicht berieben, Papier etwas gebräunt // Übersetzt von Frenk, Mariana aus dem Spanischen, ex libris /// Versand gratis Innerhalb Deutschlands - Portofrei in Deutschland- ab 20 Euro mit Post ID - Gratisversand deutschlandweit innerhalb Deutschlands gratis Versand -Versandkostenfrei innerhalb Deutschlands /// Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 315 19,5 x 11,5 cm, Hardcover in Leinwand mit Schutzumschlag.
Editore: Volk und Welt, 1976
Lingua: Tedesco
Da: Book Broker, Berlin, Germania
Prima edizione
EUR 69,83
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Aggiungi al carrelloTaschenbuch. Condizione: Sehr gut. 150 S. Alle Bücher & Medienartikel von Book Broker sind stets in gutem & sehr gutem gebrauchsfähigen Zustand. Unser Produktfoto entspricht dem hier angebotenen Artikel, dieser weist folgende Merkmale auf: Saubere Seiten in fester Bindung. Mit Schutzumschlag in gutem Zustand. Leichte Gebrauchsspuren. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 150.
Editore: Northwestern University Press, Evanston, Illinois, 1992
ISBN 10: 0292771215 ISBN 13: 9780292771215
Da: Between the Covers-Rare Books, Inc. ABAA, Gloucester City, NJ, U.S.A.
Prima edizione
EUR 399,57
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Aggiungi al carrelloSoftcover. Condizione: Fine. Uncorrected proof. Translated by Margaret Sayers Peden. Foreword by Susan Sontag. Fine in printed wrappers with material laid in. An early piece of magical realism that influenced both Borges and García Márquez.
Editore: Grove Press, 1959
Da: Aeon Bookstore, New York, NY, U.S.A.
Prima edizione
EUR 998,92
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Aggiungi al carrelloHardcover. Condizione: Very Good. Condizione sovraccoperta: Good. 1st Edition. Very scarce first American edition (and first English language translation of) this highly important novel by Mexican author Juan Rulfo. This novel was said to have influence a whole generation of latin-american authors, include Gabriel Garcia Marquez and his sensation One Hundred Years of Solitude. This is the hardcover edition from 1959 published by Grove Press, translated by Lysander Kemp. Excellent overall condition - clean, well bound. Binding is solid and sturdy. Bluish grey cloth boards are clean and firm. Gilt lettering on spine is bright and brilliant. Some light wear to corners of cloth, but not egregious. No markings to the interior. Pages are clean, bright, white. Some light toning to endpapers from glue acidification, a small stain to the rear endpaper as well but also minor. Small bump to one part of the last 20 pages, hardly even visible by sight, but you can feel it to the touch. Dustjacket is present and most clean and well intact. Some creasing and minor staining to the top edge of the front panel, and some further and similar creasing on the rear panel. Spine panel somewhat darkened, although it doesnt appear to have been a smokers copy (and the estate from which we have purchased was non smoking, firmly). One moderate chip to DJ panel as well. Creasing at the joint where the front flap meets the front panel, with a small split at the very top edge as well, but still well intact. Now in brodart, lovely copy of this scarce volume.
Editore: New York: Grove Press Inc., 1959, 1959
Da: Peter Harrington. ABA/ ILAB., London, Regno Unito
Prima edizione
EUR 1.856,58
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Aggiungi al carrelloFirst edition in English, first printing. First published in Mexico in 1955, Pedro Páramo became a major influence on the Latin American Boom of the 1960s and 1970s and on authors such as Carlos Fuentes, Salman Rushdie, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Marquez was inspired to write Cien años de soledad in part from reading the novel, which he learnt "by heart" (King, p. 97). It was famously described by Jorge Luis Borges as "one of the best novels of Hispanic-language literature, and even of all literature"("una de las mejores novelas de las literaturas de lengua hispánica, y aun de la literatura"). This translation was also issued in wrappers and in a signed limited edition. John King, The Cambridge Companion to Modern Latin American Culture, 2004. Octavo. Original blue cloth, spine lettered in gilt. With dust jacket. Cloth sharp, contents clean; faint marks to unclipped jacket, extremities nicked and chipped, two closed tears to rear panel (the longest measuring 41 mm): a fine copy in very good jacket.
Editore: Grove Press Inc., New York, 1959
Da: Captain Ahab's Rare Books, ABAA, Stephenson, VA, U.S.A.
Membro dell'associazione: ABAA
Prima edizione
EUR 1.997,84
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Aggiungi al carrelloFirst American Edition. First Printing, cloth issue. Octavo (21cm); full dark gray cloth, with titles stamped in gilt on spine; dustjacket; [iv],123,[1]pp. Faint abrasion to rear pastedown, else very Near Fine. Dustjacket is unclipped (priced $2.75), and like every other copy we've handled, measures 1/8" taller than the book; gentle sunning to spine, shallow loss at crown; with a few tiny splits and tears; a bright example, Very Good+ to Near Fine. The Mexican author's second book and first novel, following a young man's quest to find his father as he navigates an arid ghost town populated by spectral figures. Rulfo (1917-1986), one of the progenitors of magical realism, was a major influence on the Latin American boom which would come more than a decade after this, and his first book, El Llano En Llamas, were published. The novel was not immediately successful in his native Mexico, taking 4 years to exhaust a tiny first printing of 2,000 copies. Grove published the book in four issues: an Evergreen paperback, a trade edition, the deluxe issue, and one of 4 specially bound hors commerce copies. The novel would prove a critical influence on the writing of Carlos Fuentes, Jose Donoso, Salman Rushdie, and most notably, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, who after reading it was inspired to write One Hundred Years of Solitude, and who was said to be able to recite the whole book by heart. Scarce.