Da: Livraria Castro e Silva, Lisboa, Portogallo
Arte / Stampa / Poster
EUR 1.800,00
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Aggiungi al carrelloSoft Cover. Condizione: Good. Autor desconhecido. Portugal. Circa 1650-1750. Dimensões: Tábua de madeira com 1.21x54x 3.5 cm. Peso: aprox.10 Kg. Óleo sobre madeira representando uma Virgem com uma característica coroa barroca. Sem título. Sem assinatura. Unknown artist. Portugal. Circa 1650-1750. Dimensions: Wooden board 1.21x54x 3.5 cm. Weight: circa 10 kg. Oil on wood, showing a crowned Virgin, painted in the Baroque period. No title. Not signed. Retable (from Spanish retablo ) is a structure of wood which is placed behind or above the altar and which normally contains one or more panels painted or in relief. Altarpieces. Both Spain and Portugal have a rich variety of altarpieces and this is an example of a work of this type in wood. Language: Português / Portuguese Location/localizacao: SALA PCS.