S. Howlett-West Books (Member ABAA)

S. Howlett-West Books (Member ABAA)

2109 Spring Oak Ct
Modesto, CA, U.S.A. 95355

Valutazione del venditore 5 su 5 stelle 5 stelle, Maggiori informazioni sulle valutazioni dei venditori

Libreria AbeBooks da: 6 marzo 1997

Membro dell'associazione:

A proposito di questo venditore

S. Howlett-West Books was established in 1996, but the owner, Stephanie has been in the book business for over 25 years. Besides her full time work as a book dealer/compiler of price guides, she writes articles on the subject of Science Fiction for several trade magazines. She is a collector and reader of first edition science fiction in her spare time.

Cerca nei cataloghi di S. Howlett-West Books (Member ABAA)

Membro dell'associazione

I librai membri di queste associazioni si distinguono per elevata competenza e professionalità. Garantiscono l'autenticità di tutti gli articoli messi in vendita. Forniscono descrizioni approfondite e dettagliate, rivelano tutti i difetti e / o restauri rilevanti, forniscono prezzi chiari e precisi e operano con correttezza e onestà durante l'esperienza di acquisto.
Cataloghi della Libreria

Condizioni di vendita

S. Howlett-West Books
2109 Spring Oak Ct
Modesto, CA, 95355 (209)491-2365 email: showlettwestbooks@sbcglobal.net
owner: Stephanie Howlett-West

Gladly accepting checks,
money orders and VISA,
MASTERCARD,AMEX, DISCOVER and Pay Pal . Two week returns for any reason with prior notification.
Email preferred, or leave message on answering machine. We check messages at least twice a day. Always buying individual titles or collections.
Please contact us for details.

Condizioni di spedizione

Media Mail shipping is $5.00 for the first book & 2.00 for each additional book, or Priority rate shipping or Fed Ex for $7.00 for the first book & $2.50 for each additional title. All books mailed with care and in most cases will include automatic delivery confirmation for tracking ability.
International customers charged at cost.