°ART...on paper - 20th Century Art Books

°ART...on paper - 20th Century Art Books

via Cattori 5a
Lugano, Switzerland 6900

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Libreria AbeBooks da: 26 aprile 2001

Membro dell'associazione:

A proposito di questo venditore

Welcome to Art...on paper we like to offer our books (some very rare) to people around the world. Please come and visit us, you are welcome !

Cerca nei cataloghi di °ART...on paper - 20th Century Art Books

Membro dell'associazione

I librai membri di queste associazioni si distinguono per elevata competenza e professionalità. Garantiscono l'autenticità di tutti gli articoli messi in vendita. Forniscono descrizioni approfondite e dettagliate, rivelano tutti i difetti e / o restauri rilevanti, forniscono prezzi chiari e precisi e operano con correttezza e onestà durante l'esperienza di acquisto.
Cataloghi della Libreria

19th & 20th Century architecture

We have books and portfolios on Architecture as from the end of the 19th Century to the end of the 20th Century.
Catalogo completo

Czech & Central European Avant-Garde & Photography

we are specialized on Czech Avant-Garde books, magazines and documentation. Also Photography: original photographs, books and magazines. Send us your searching (desiderata) list and we'll be most pleased to answer your questions and requests.
Catalogo completo


Condizioni di vendita

Bank transfers - Checks - postal payments - credit cards - PayPal

°ART...on paper - 20th Century Art Books & Gallery
John Dupuy & Daniela Dupuy - Owners
via Cattori 5a - 6900 Lugano - Switzerland
jddart@ticino.com - phone: 0041 91 9225553 & 0041 79 6169171

Condizioni di spedizione

Orders usually ship within 2 business days. Shipping costs are based on books weighing 2.2 LB, or 1 KG. If your book order is heavy or oversize, we may contact you to let you know extra shipping is required.