Artifacts eBookstore

Artifacts eBookstore

Gosport, United Kingdom

+44 07740201500

Libreria AbeBooks da: 18 luglio 2019

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A proposito di questo venditore

Welcome to Our Established Bookstore Since our inception in 2019, just before the initial lockdown, we have diligently expanded our genre offerings and stock. Our commitment to quality extends beyond the physical condition of the books; we also provide comprehensive descriptions of the content of each book. This attention to detail requires time, especially when dealing with books lacking dust jackets. While we don't claim expertise in all things literary, our knowledge has grown significantly since our founding. When you browse our selection, rest assured that what you see is what you'll receive: no generic stock images here! Remarkably, our books have found homes in over 28 countries, and it's a source of pride to know that readers in Serbia, Denmark, Japan, and beyond appreciate our offerings. Shipping costs within the UK have increased, but we remain committed to providing free domestic shipping. While we may not always be the most budget-friendly option, we prioritise quality. Our practice of offering detailed descriptions has proven its worth, ensuring our customers receive books of a certain standard. Regarding packaging, we tailor our approach based on book size and weight. Softcover editions, including titles from Penguin and Ladybird, are carefully enveloped in bubble wrap. For hardcover books, we utilise single-wall corrugated cardboard, custom-cut to fit, and secure it with brown kraft wrapping paper. Adhesive tape affixes the labels, creating a cost-effective and safe shipping solution. Our commitment to sustainability is equally important. The materials we use, cardboard, kraft paper, and brown tape, are all recycled, having previously served other purposes. Through our eBookstore, we've forged meaningful connections with readers worldwide. Whether you're building a Wish List or seeking assistance finding a specific book, feel free to reach out via text, phone, or email. Thank you for being part of our literary community! Mike

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