San Francisco Book Company

San Francisco Book Company

17 rue Monsieur le Prince
Paris, France 75006

Valutazione del venditore 5 su 5 stelle 5 stelle, Maggiori informazioni sulle valutazioni dei venditori

Libreria AbeBooks da: 9 novembre 1999

A proposito di questo venditore

An English/American generalist used bookshop on the Left Bank in Paris. Pocketbooks to collectible first editions 10 to 20 H. Mondays to Sundays Metro Odéon

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Condizioni di vendita

We accept payment by Visa, Mastercard, PayPal(, International Money Order, cash sent by registered letter, and checks in EUROS drawn on FRENCH BANKS only. Books are returnable for a full refund within 10 days of receipt after notification to seller.

Condizioni di spedizione

Postal rates may be adjusted due to the weight and size of the order.