Da Bow Windows Bookshop (ABA, ILAB), Lewes, Regno Unito Valutazione del venditore 5 su 5 stelle
Venditore AbeBooks dal 22 settembre 1998
First edition. 8vo. xx, 639, (1) pp. Publisher's blue cloth, gilt to the spine and upper board, original owner's inscriptions dated 1968 to the front free endpaper plus another annotation in the same hand to the rear free endpaper, dust jacket, price clipped. Black and white illustrations. Some tanning to the cream dust jacket spine plus a little wear along the lower edge, very good overall. Brian Howard (1905-58) was a writer and member of the "Bright Young Things" social scene in 1920s London. Thereafter he led a rather itinerant and dissolute life on the bohemian edges of the English upper class, never quite fulfilling his early promise. Evelyn Waugh partially based several of his characters on Howard, firstly Ambrose Silk in "Put Out More Flags" and, most notably, Anthony Blanche in "Brideshead Revisited". In a private letter Waugh said of Howard: "There is an aesthetic bugger who sometimes turns up in my novels under various names - that was 2/3 Brian and 1/3 Harold Acton" before going to add that the latter was much the "sweeter and saner man". Codice articolo 47713
Titolo: Brian Howard. Portrait of a Failure. Edited ...
Casa editrice: London: Anthony Blond
Data di pubblicazione: 1968
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